⚡️The Mischief Movement Podcast⚡️
Welcome to The Mischief Movement Podcast, the go-to destination for rebels at heart—especially those who feel stuck, unseen, or torn between too many passions. This podcast is your spark to reawaken that untamed spirit, ditch the mundane, and start living boldly on your terms.
Each episode is infused with rebellious energy and packed with conversations that challenge the status quo. I chat with trailblazers, underdogs, and mavericks who are carving their own paths, sharing stories and strategies to help you do the same.
If you’ve ever felt like there’s more to life—more adventure, more purpose, more hell yes!—this is your invitation to stop waiting and start creating a life that feels alive. Together, we’ll break free from the ordinary, unlock your potential, and build the freedom, fun, and connection you’ve been craving.
Ready to rebel? Let’s make mischief!
⚡️The Mischief Movement Podcast⚡️
Daring to Dream: Crafting Your Own Extraordinary Path (without feeling guilty for wanting more!)
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Ever find yourself staring into the abyss of your comfort zone, wondering if there's more to life than your current script? Well, strap in, because this week's mischief-laden mini-episode is a clarion call to the rebels, the misfits, and anyone ready to sprinkle a rebellious zest into their lives. Listen closely as I, Zoe, your chief mischief maker, share the inspiring insights of high-performance coach Brendan Burchard and the poignant musings from an Instagram reel that epitomise my mission of amplifying your unique gifts and hunger for adventure by embracing uncertainty instead of settling for mundane.
This week is a little ass-kick about taking action, owning your extraordinary potential, and rewriting the narrative to a soundtrack of 'hell yeah' moments without the guilt of wanting more from your life. So, if you've been looking for a sign to activate your adventure, consider this it!
Not long ago I felt trapped by the daily grind and all the mundane stuff and responsibility it brought. I wanted to escape but instead of running away, I decided to rebel against the ordinary, put FUN back on the agenda and do more of the things that made me feel alive. This podcast is one of them and through these conversations I'd love nothing more than to be able to help you do the same!
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For more insights and inspiration on living your best life and rebelling against the ordinary, check out the blog or sign up to my newsletter at zoegreenhalf.com You can also find me on Instagram @themischiefmovement or LinkedIn and let's start a conversation. Who knows? Maybe we can shake things up and start making mischief together!
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I am so here for the misfits, rule breakers, rebels and mischief makers, and I want to see you succeed in life, however that looks for you. Hello, it's Zoe coach, creator and mischief maker behind the mischief movement podcast, your weekly inspo for people looking for more hell yeah in their life. I'm on a mission to help you rediscover that rebellious speak, change your confidence in a badass and stop holding yourself back from the amazing life you've been dreaming of. Join me each week as I discuss mindset, share stories or develop strategies, sometimes alone, but most often through interviewing adventurous, unconventional guests who are shaking up the status quo, living life on their terms and impacting the world by doing things differently.
Zoe Greenhalf:Long ago, I woke up one day and thought this isn't the life I'd imagined for myself. I felt disconnected and unfulfilled, but I set my intention firmly on adding more fun, getting out of my comfort zone and becoming curious about what truly lit me up. And then magical things started to happen, including this podcast. As that famous quote goes, she remembered who she was and the game changed. I've always loved the word mischief because it's cheeky, playful and a little bit rebellious, and that's exactly what I hope this podcast brings to the table. Let's rewrite the rules, throw two fingers up to society and do more of the things we love. So I'm here to empower you to boldly rebel against the ordinary and support you as you design a life you don't want to escape from. If you feel called to activate your own adventure and make unconventional your new normal, I dare you to jump in with me. Hey there, mischief makers, I hope your week is going well. I want to bring you a short, snappy one this week because, although I love the long conversations with my guests, I know that sometimes you just need that short, sharp hit of hell. Yeah, that tells you what you need to do and kicks your butt into action. So this one is a bit of a nice kick.
Zoe Greenhalf:Now, over the weekend, a friend of mine sent me an Instagram reel to watch by @Ask Vinh, and I loved it. He knew I would right? The message was this; Life is about amplifying your gifts and talents. Don't live a mundane, boring life, because you value certainty over adventure. Find what's right for you, allow yourself to explore and do what you were born to do. I just thought that that was so fitting for the mischief movement and as I watched it, I had this feeling that you know, this is what my work in this world is about this message. I wouldn't say that I found my purpose exactly, but I feel like I found a message that gets me excited and fired up and a way of communicating it through this podcast that brings me joy and also like a goal to strive for in my own life and career. And the more I reflect on this, the more it makes me wonder, like what would it take for someone to hear this message and I mean really hear it and take it in and then act on it? What would it take for this to activate you in your own adventure? I don't know if you've ever experienced a moment in your life where you kind of thought is this, it Is this as good as it gets? Or maybe this is not how it was supposed to be? Have you had that? Because I know I have. Did you listen to it? Or did you just dismiss it because it's too scary to listen to that voice?
Zoe Greenhalf:Brendan Burchard, who's a coach, speaker and author of the bestselling book High Performance Habits, says as soon as you can accept that voice, a confrontation is required. There's a decision that needs to be made right now, but lots of people feel that, knowing they understand that the feeling happened, but instead of exploring it, they just shut it down and say things like but yeah, but I'm fine really and there are so many people who've got it worse than me I'm sure I can get by, I can endure it. And then Brendan asked this question, which I'd like to share with you today what's wrong that you've been enduring for too long? He suggests that there's a set of things happening and we have to choose how to change it, because how we are and how we live our life always comes from our ambitions, our mindset, our habits and our relationships. So we're going to have to shift something and we have to find the courage to say I want an extraordinary life. I thought about that. I think there's a lot of guilt around feeling that way, but I'm here to tell you that it's okay to want it. It doesn't mean that you're always unhappy or you're in grateful. It means that something in your life isn't working too well and you'd just like to shift that.
Zoe Greenhalf:I know that sometimes well-meaning people around us encourage us to play smaller and not get our hopes up, that you can even make fun of us and our ambitions because it makes them feel better about themselves. You might be made to feel like an outsider or a misfit. I know I have felt, and still feel, like that sometimes, but please make that decision to live an extraordinary life, because by choosing it, you are allowing yourself to aim higher, to be authentic and lean into the things that you love so much. The training that I watched with Brendan was three hours long, so you're pretty lucky You're getting a distilled version, but it was a good one. He said that in order for you to choose that extraordinary life, your dreams must be greater than all the other things that are stealing it away from you, which are drama, distractions and discouragement. Don't get caught up in those things, but focus instead on learning how to be resilient, emotionally stable and mindful, whilst giving your attention to your dreams. And if you're struggling to work out what to do next, because maybe you feel a bit stuck, you need to spend more time on the path.
Zoe Greenhalf:I love this little acronym, so I wanted to share this with you now. Okay, so you've got P, A, T and H. P means passions and interests, so spend more time on the things that you really love doing. A is for your abilities, so focus time on the things that you're good at. T means tenacity, so look at the areas of your life where you just don't give up easily, which, interestingly, might not be the areas that you really excel in. But there's something in the fact that you just keep going. I mean you could take the podcast, for example. I'm not a genius at podcasting, but I love it so much I'm not giving up. I'm just going to keep going. And there's something in that. H is for helpfulness. So if you don't know what to do with your life, serve more people and I've heard this said by Jay Shetty too and it's a great way to either help you work out what you like or don't like doing, whilst building confidence and self-worth by making a difference to others. So that could look like volunteering volunteering your time, your energy but it's also a great way to help identify where you should be focusing your attention. These four places are the ones to explore if your life feels a little bit off. So steer yourself right and get back on the path.
Zoe Greenhalf:Listen, I know it's not easy to admit to yourself that you want an extraordinary life. It's really hard to justify to other people, because they most likely deny it or suppress these feelings themselves. This is exactly why I talk about rebelling against the ordinary. It's a rebellion because sometimes it feels so hard to be the outsider, to feel like you're the only one daring to say out loud that you'd like more. And, oh shit, what if I look ungrateful? What about the people in war zones or famine riddled countries or suffering abuse? They are infinitely worse off than me. Yes, I get that, and please don't think that I'm immune to feeling their pain. I'm not, but you do have a choice, don't you owe it to these people to shine your light and use your one precious life to leave some good in the world, so you can create your magic, be the example and then use these things to help them.
Zoe Greenhalf:Finally, I just want to say that if this is you and you feel alone or like nobody understands where you're coming from, I want to welcome you home, please, please, come and connect with me on Instagram or LinkedIn. I am so here for the misfits, rule breakers, rebels and mischief makers, and I want to see you succeed in life, however that looks for you. Let me show you that life can be good, that there are opportunities, that you can develop and grow so you can live your own extraordinary life. I'll be back next week with another amazing guest, so join me then for a longer conversation where we'll be discussing play and creativity. In the meantime, as always, keep making mischief. Speak to you soon. Please keep spreading the word about the podcast. You're doing such an amazing job, and I'm also super grateful for your five star ratings on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, which seriously helped my mission to inspire and empower more people like us to choose mischief over mediocre. Have a great week and keep making mischief, ciao.